
100% Natural

Deep penetrating salt crystals help to alleviate chest congestion and allergy discomforts. Antibacterial properties act as a lower respiratory cleanser.

  • Drug Free
  • Safe & Effective
  • No Water Necessary
  • Portable Relief

How to Use


For use by adults and children over the age of 5 years old

Use the inhaler in one continuous session for 15-20 minutes daily, or divide the use into three session lasting 7-10 minutes each. Use for 21 days continuously repeat as needed.

For best results, replace your salt cartridge with a new universal salt cartridge every 90 days.

For Oral Inhalation (lower respiratory)

1. Remove cap from device
2. Inhale from the device with normal intensity.
3. After each inhalation, remove the inhaler, close your mouth
and exhale through the nose.
5. Nasal exhalation is required in order to sustain the therapeutic
effect of the salt.

*Helpful Hint: Take a few sips of water prior to use. This will help to hydrate the lower respiratory tract and allow deep penetration.


  • Special Caution: Do not use inhaler in cases of severe pulmonary failure.
  • In case of acute diseases or high blood pressure, consult a physician before use
  • Shared use of this device is not recommended
  • This product does not replace current medication and should be used in conjunction with medically prescribed therapies upon the advice of your physician
  • Wipe mouthpiece clean after each use
  • Do not allow fluids or liquids to pass through or enter device
  • Do not shake or drop device, this could cause salt crystals to break apart…it is important that salt crystals remain in the device to avoid any transitory irritation